I also made everyone's favorite Ginger Chocolate Cookies and only if you are very lucky do you get to eat these.
They are high-maintenance and have weird steps like 'dissolve 1/2 t of baking soda in 1.5 t of very hot water'. I felt a little like the little red hen: "Who will help me sift the flour?", "Who will help me grate the ginger?", "Who will help me pour the (slow as) molasses?" No luck, but man are they good. I just wish it made more cookies for the work. I was going to make a double batch but we were out of fresh ginger. Here is the recipe if you dare (or care) to make them. :) Our friend Abby who generously offered to babysit tonight will be getting some of these amazing treats as a thank you. We are lucky enough to be treated to a fancy dinner tonight at this legendary (Al Capone rumors abound) restaurant. Happy Birthday ^J^!
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